This Clayworks Noah’s Rosary is divine.
The rosary tells the story of Noah’s Ark. Limited Stock. Act Quickly.
This unique piece of Clayworks is the only wearable Clayworks art ever created. It wonderfully tells the story of Noah's Ark. It begins with a little Noah piece at the beginning of the loop, then leads to a row of blue beads that represents the raindrops. Next is the Ark itself, followed by ceramic beads that have rainclouds painted on them. Then, of course, the animals show up, here two Elephants crafted in the Clayworks style precedes more raindrops. Raindrops that represents 40 days and night of rain. A black Raven is next as Noah had sent it out to find land, but never returns. Then, the Sun shines! Beads colored with suns lead to a Clayworks Dove with an olive branch in his beak. A few olive leaves show that the earth has dried and tresses are here once again, then back to Noah, and on to a Rainbow and a promise.